
Rabu, 30 Maret 2011

RIP Fish :(:(:(

Hello blog, now I wanna posting about a sad news aaa :(. Do you know Dochi pwg? He have a little dog, and his dog name is Fish and I think Fish is a cutest dog in the world I ever seen, seriously. Dochi care Fish since 20 Maret 2010 - 29 Maret 2011 when I know about this news, I sad, and I even cry, because I have a cat and I imagine if my cat like Fish. My knowledge, Fish dead because Fish playing outside, Fish chasing the people around Fish, and maybe Fish wanna play with that people, but the people hit Fish untill Fish is dead!!!! you UGLY PEOPLE YOU KNOW?!?!? YOU WILL NOT GUILTY TO KILL ANIMAL IS NOTHING!

Since I know this news, I cry before I sleep, I want to see and meet Fish, but Fish and Dochi are nobody to me and I just see Fish via Dochi's picture, I even meet Dochi but I dont speak a lot with Dochi. And in 20 Maret 2011 its 1st Year Fish treated in Dochi and Nugie and Alexa. aaaa I sad, very sad I mean, I imagine my cat, Moshi can meet and play with Fish. I believe God protect you in heaven, Fish and you'll always happy, there Amen ya Allah. I love you for sure Fish !!!!

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